This may happen to comply with the security of safeguarding your confidential information.

Security rules and automatic logouts

One reason you might get booted from the CZ system has to do with its security checks:

  1. If you're not active for a while, the system might end your session to stop any unauthorized people from getting in.
  2. The system may not allow you to log in on multiple devices.

How to fix

If this happens frequently, try to follow steps:

  • Stay active. Keep using the system so it doesn't log you out for being inactive too long.
  • Tip: If you haven't been doing anything in the system for a bit, refresh the page or hit save before doing anything else. Otherwise, your work could disappear if you're logged out.

  • Logging out and back in again can sometimes fix these issues.
  • Clear your web browser's cache.

If none of that works, it's time to talk to your boss or IT support.

By: Helen Erickson Helen Erickson